Since Orbit isn't intended for variable-height content, we decided it would be a great idea to create a plugin that would help in that regard. Clearing makes it easy to create responsive lightboxes with any size image.
Build Your Clearing Lightbox
There is only one way to build a Clearing lightbox, using our predefined class and data-attribute structure. We've made it really easy: gather some images, decide on their order, and put them into a <ul class="clearing-thumbs">
of your choice. In order to get Clearing to build itself properly, you'll need to have Javascript properly included. We outline Clearing JS a bit further down the page.
Once you get your JS hooked up, you'll need to add data-clearing
to your list container. Here's an example of the most basic markup needed:
<ul class="clearing-thumbs" data-clearing>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
Styling the List
We're using the .th
class from Foundation to style the thumbnails in the Clearing example at the top of the page. You can also use @include thumb;
in SCSS to use those same styles.
Start From a Featured Image
Sometimes you don't want to show a gallery full of images on your site, but you want to open the gallery from a single image. By including all of your images in a .clearing-feature
list and using .clearing-featured-img
on the <li>
of your choice, you'll be able to hide the rest of the images in the on-page gallery. If you want to show more than once, try using our .hide
class to set the ones you don't want to display: none;
<ul class="clearing-thumbs clearing-feature" data-clearing>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
<li class="clearing-featured-img"><a href="path/to/your/img"><img src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
Including Captions
Another common use-case for Lightboxes is to include a caption per image. We've made this quick and easy by using data-attributes to hold the content. You'll just attach this attribute to the image it belongs to and voila! Here's the code example:
Note: You can now use HTML inside the data-caption attribute.
<ul class="clearing-thumbs" data-clearing>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img data-caption="caption here..." src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img data-caption="caption 2 here..." src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
<li><a href="path/to/your/img"><img data-caption="caption 3 here..." src="path/to/your/img-th"></a></li>
Available SCSS Variables
We opted not to create mixins for this plugin because it relies on classes in the JS to work. These variables should give you the control you need to change styles as you see fit:
$include-html-clearing-classes: $include-html-classes;
/* We use these to set the background colors for parts of Clearing. */
$clearing-bg: #111;
$clearing-caption-bg: $clearing-bg;
$clearing-carousel-bg: #111;
$clearing-img-bg: $clearing-bg;
/* We use these to style the close button */
$clearing-close-color: #fff;
$clearing-close-size: 40px;
/* We use these to style the arrows */
$clearing-arrow-size: 16px;
$clearing-arrow-color: $clearing-close-color;
/* We use these to style captions */
$clearing-caption-font-color: #fff;
$clearing-caption-padding: 10px 30px;
/* We use these to make the image and carousel height and style */
$clearing-active-img-height: 75%;
$clearing-carousel-height: 150px;
$clearing-carousel-thumb-width: 175px;
$clearing-carousel-thumb-active-border: 4px solid rgb(255,255,255);
Using the JavaScript
are available on your page. You can refer to the javascript documentation on setting that up.
Just add foundation.clearing.js
AFTER the foundation.js
file. Your markup should look something like this:
document.write('<script src=/js/vendor/'
+ ('__proto__' in {} ? 'zepto' : 'jquery')
+ '.js><\/script>');
<script src="js/foundation/foundation.js"></script>
<script src="js/foundation/foundation.clearing.js"></script>
<!-- Other JS plugins can be included here -->
Required Foundation Library: foundation.clearing.js
Optional JavaScript Configuration
As of Clearing 4.1.2, you can now pass in options to data-options
when the clearing is initialized on the page.
// specify the classes or IDs will close clearing when clicked.
close_selectors : '.clearing-close'